Books as Christmas presents

And here I am again.

The urge to write has not left me yet and I see that he will probably be here for another couple of posts, so be happy.

Assuming that books are, in my humble opinion, the best gift one can give you and also considering that the Christmas period is frighteningly approaching (I started seeing decorations since November and this thing has put me a lot of anxiety) , I decided to jump on the train myself and give you my advice on the books you could give this year to your loved ones.

I've always been very proud of my tastes in general. From musical tastes to fashion tastes, people have constantly complimented me so I would say this small selection of books won't really suck. 

Or at least I hope...

1. Norwegian Woods by Murakami

I would say this book could freely fit on all my book lists from now until the end of my life. It made me feel every emotion possible on the spectrum of emotions, even some that are hard to describe.
The story is extremely fresh, but at the same time monotonous and immovable, a bit like life.

Before packing it I suggest you read it. Best suited for friends or even cousins and brothers. I would define it as an extremely intimate book that could, if anything, create a series of references between you and a slightly more special connection.

2. One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel G. Marquez

Here is another book that I think is indispensable on any book list. This here is one of my all time favorite books, an immortal classic that I will recommend until death.
Some would say that it is not for everyone, but surely you could give it to that aunt who drinks a little too much mulled wine during the Christmas lunches and seems extremely skeptical of her life.
The book is more than fine, it's completely brilliant and if your mainstream taste doesn't appreciate it oh well... get over it

3. Becoming by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama for president. That's it. 
Seriously, this is one of the few autobiographical books that have truly inspired me to do great things in my life, such as finding a way to become Michelle's best friend.
We all have in mind a person to whom we can give it away... well come on, that friend who is a super activist and who makes every speech politically correct and focused on the living conditions of the third world
This is also one of th
ose books that I recommend reading before giving away.

4. Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire 

I could go on for hours and hours talking about why I like this collection of poetry so much. I will probably also do a post on some poems that have particularly impressed me. One trick I like to do is to randomly open it to any page and read a poem about how much life sucks, but written in such a delightful way that you feel like saying Amor Fati (quoting our dear Nietzsche) and move on with your day with that taste of melancholy in your mouth.
Absolutely to give to your mother or girlfriend / boyfriend.
You'll thank me later.
